

Love Language

Do you know what your love language is, or that of your significant other or of your children's?  Once you have ascertained which one it is, your relationships with others will improve exponentially. 

Dr. Gary Chapman, internationally respected marriage and family life expert and author of ‘The Five Love Languages’ talks about how happiness in a marriage is the by-product of feeling loved.  When we [sic] are dating and in that euphoric state commonly referred to as “being in love”, we were both happy. 

Unfortunately, all research indicates that the “in love” experience evaporates over time.  How do you communicate love in a language that is meaningful to others?  By speaking their language of love.  

Discover your love language by answering a few simple questions when you click on the link above.  Once directed to the website, you will see where to click to begin your assessment.

Click on this link to take you to the video of the 5 Love Languages.  We would love to hear what your love language is by leaving us a comment below.


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