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Unforgettable Marriage Proposals in Queenstown: Your Dream Proposal Awaits

Queenstown, with its breathtaking landscapes and Romantic scenery, is the perfect destination for an unforgettable surprise Marriage Proposal. After seeing an increase in demand for surprise Marriage Proposals, in Queenstown, we spent three days there recently eager to discover more hidden gems for your special moment.We explored exclusive locations that spanned from the majestic Mount Crichton all the way through to the charming historical village of Arrowtown, enabling us to select t...

May 27, 2024

Do you feel emotionally safe in your relationship?

We all have a desire to feel needed and to be in a loving and healthy relationship with another person.We are inherently social and are taught early on how to communicate, by those around us who nurture and guide us, throughout childhood.If taught effectively, our communication skills enable us to evolve and make informed and well thought out decisions.It is how we build loving relationships through the sharing of experiences and needs which helps us to connect with each other on a deeper level....

January 22, 2023

Our Sustainability Initiatives.

MBIE states that “Sustainable business means doing things thoughtfully by thinking ahead and looking at how your actions impact the environment and surroundings. Sustainable business is about looking at the products and services used in your business and thinking about their impact on the environment.”   Here at Romantic Gestures NZ, we have chosen to focus on sustainability over aesthetics which is more important to us when it comes to providing for our valued clients.  Our g...

August 23, 2022

How it all began!

What were you doing at 16? While at Manawatu Polytechnic, in Palmerston North, way back in 1993, studying towards my Office Systems Receptionist course, I decided to singlehandedly plan and organize a tourism trip to Rotorua for my fellow classmates and me. I was only 16 years old at the time. I came up with the idea of spending a couple of days in Rotorua to tie in with our year long course, to learn more about the Tourism industry.  That way we could classify the trip as course related an...

August 21, 2022

Make it count!

Recently I came across a post on LinkedIn where a woman was sharing her story about her brother’s terminal illness.  With only months to live, how he and his wife spend every minute of them together is the only thing that matters. Creating magical memories that his wife can fondly look back on long after her husband has gone will be more important than anything else they have done together. My comment to his sister was to make sure that they record stories with her brother so they will ha...

August 15, 2022

How to explore Hanmer Springs on a budget.

Hanmer Springs is a stunning alpine resort town that attracts hundreds of thousands of tourists and holiday makers every year.  Being a resort town, the hospitality market reflects this with their high-end retail stores and restaurant menus, ranging in price from $20-$39 for a main meal.While it may seem too expensive for some, making a visit to Hanmer Springs unaffordable, there are many affordable options still available to those of us on a budget.Exploring Hanmer Springs on a budget...

June 1, 2022

Romantic things to do in Christchurch

Spending quality time together with your partner should be more than just a dinner for two at your favourite restaurant.  It should include creative opportunities to expand and enhance your senses.  “Trying new things is important to our wellbeing.  People who seek out novel experiences live healthier, happier lives.  When we experience something new, we stretch our senses and develop new neural pathways.  Some of the benefits include:  improved memory, mood and m...

March 8, 2022

L O V E spells T I M E

In todays busy world we often spell L O V E with 4 very different letters, T I M E.  With time being limited, when couples make time to celebrate their connection and expectations can and should be high. Time is something that Russell and I have had in short supply since he began his studies 6 years ago.  Having chosen to complete a Bachelor of Business (Marketing) on a part time basis all the while working full time for the NZDF, we knew that our quality time together would be limited...

March 6, 2022

68 hours in Wanaka

After enduring a long-distance relationship while Russell was in an MIQF role in Auckland recently, the opportunity to spend a few days away together was very much needed before he headed back to work on base. We chose to head down to Wanaka for 3 nights as it had been some 10-11 years since we were last there.  With it being the end of September, the weather would ensure the road trip was enjoyable and the roads safe to travel on. We had done our research prior to leaving and knew what we ...

October 5, 2021

Long Distance Relationships Uncovered

Being in a long-distance relationship involves commitment to maintaining a deep connection to each other.  How do you ensure you remain close while being so far apart? Being apart from each other can be extremely stressful for couples.  Routines change and support for the partner at home is left to those who are able to step in and be there when their partner cannot. Not being able to turn to your partner and discuss emotions, situations, and day to day events with them in person is ma...

August 20, 2021

Christchurch's Date Night Deals

We know how hard it is to find quality time together especially more so now as we navigate our new normal.  Date Nights are squeezed in between work, children, hobbies and sporting commitments.  We believe Date Night is vital for a healthy relationship and regular Date Nights are key. Relationships require conscious effort every day.  We need to put as much effort into them as we do in how we parent or how we work on our careers.When you do find time to enjoy a Date Night we want ...

April 4, 2021

30 ways to have Date Night at home

Date Night at home is all the more important when no other options are available. Sometimes leaving home for Date Night is simply not an option.  That is why is is so important to continue Date Night at home to reconnect and strengthen your relationship.For some couples, a change in circumstances may mean that you find yourself spending more time together than usual.  You can get complacent and forget to work on your relationship.Currently couples all around the world are living in iso...

April 4, 2021

Romantic Delights in the bedroom

Life as we know it is a little uncertain right now.  We are flooded with information, some of it helpful and some of it not so much.  Restrictions have been put in place by the government and plans need to be changed to accommodate those restrictions. While we begin to look at ways to keep ourselves and our families safe, we start to reduce the trips we take and the places we visit.  In doing so, this creates a negative impact on small local businesses who need cash flow in order ...

April 4, 2021

Top five tips on Christmas gifts for your loved ones

Christmas is fast approaching so here are our top five tips on  buying Christmas gifts for your loved ones.According to, retail spending using electronic cards was $8.5 billion in the July 2022 quarter, down from $18 billion in 2018 which shows that people are being very selective with their purchasing.Credit card spending peaked in December which may indicate consumers are using these cards to buy Christmas gifts for their loved ones.  The down side of using your credit ...

April 4, 2021

What is your Marriage Proposal budget?

When thinking about proposing to your sweetheart you will also need to think "What is your marriage proposal budget?" Your budget defines how memorable you would like it to be.  It also defines what can and cannot be included especially if you are wanting to include professional photography and videography to capture the magical moment.Photography packages in New Zealand generally start from around $1,000 for a 2 hour session.  We are very lucky to have photographers who offer us exclu...

April 4, 2021

Relationship Rescue


April 4, 2021

Marriage Proposal Planner in NZ

Your search for a Marriage Proposal Planner in NZ has led you here where we have been planning proposals for the last few years all across NZ. We are very fortunate to have been part of some amazing proposals, all designed and organised by us.  We take great pride in our proposals and plan them with each couple in mind.  They are designed to be unique and personal to each couple.Our process. We work with carefully chosen vendors to ensure the proposals are professional leavin...

April 4, 2021

Save your relationship in 30 minutes a day!

Even if you think you do not need to save your relationship you never know what is around the corner.  By doing this for 30 minutes each day, you will effectively be ensuring your relationship lasts a lifetime.I am not oblivious to the fact that there are many other factors that effect longevity in relationships but by implementing this into your daily routine will inject a deeper understanding of each other.What does your routine look like between 5-6pm?  Does one partner arrive home ...

April 4, 2021

Home ownership and the effects on our relationship

Home ownership is no longer a right of passage for everyone.  Instead it is something that can be obtained through sheer hard work and bloody determination.  An even then there are many many hurdles to jump over. Having a big fat deposit helps too.  The more we can prove that we are reliable and can afford to pay back the mortgage the higher the chances are of being granted pre approval. First home buyers face extreme scrutiny and have to fill out enough paperwork to wallpaper the...

April 4, 2021

Morally responsible business

You're probably sitting there thinking, "What is a morally responsible business?"  Quite simply, we believe that a morally responsible business is a business that does the right thing all of the time.  They are accountable for their actions, responsible for their behaviour, can be relied upon to provide the very best service to their clients and customers and will support and promote others without expectation. Having been in the Wedding and Tourism industries for almost 4 years now we...

April 4, 2021

Empty house

What will life be like for us with an empty nest?  Will our empty house be empty or will it still be full of life?  Will I feel alone and unwanted or will I feel very much needed?  Will I cry all the time or will I be the happiest woman alive?  Am I afraid of what is to come or brave for facing it head on? These are just some of the things I think about from time to time.  Fear of the unknown, not knowing what is to come is something that we all think about at some point...

April 4, 2021

Empty nest

As I sit here looking out the window at another glorious day here in Canterbury, I reminisce about the time long passed where my babies were completely dependent on me for their well being.  A time where I was their whole world, a world which they thought revolved around them and maybe it did.  A time where I consciously gave up my desire to follow my passion to focus on being there for them 100%.  A time when the last thing you think about is having an empty nest. My entire focus...

April 4, 2021

Worlds best and worst lovers

Have you ever wondered which country has the best or worst lovers?  How do men and women rate each other?  Are couples from the same country a good match for hot passion?  At they surveyed a massive 22,753 members of their online dating network and asked the following questions: Q1: How good was the last person you had sex with on a scale of 0 to 10? 0 : Worst ever1 : Awful2 : Extremely bad3 : Very bad4 : Bad5 : Average6 : Quite good7 : Good8 : Very good9 : Ama...

April 4, 2021

Effective communication: are you being heard?

According to A.R. Bernard the number 1 complaint that women have about men is that men don't listen.  In his new book, “Four Things Women Want From A Man,”Bernard addresses women’s wants but speaks directly to men about what women expect from them as well. Here is some tips for effective communication. The key to any healthy relationship is effective communication and knowing what you want from your partner and most women don't know what that is.  However they do know what t...

April 4, 2021

What is a Romantic Getaway?

A Romantic Getaway is one where you are alone together without distractions to spend quality time to focus on each other.  An ideal location would be somewhere secluded, away from noises and free from all distractions that would lead your mind to wander.  Having a getaway with no cell phone coverage is ideal as you are not tempted to look at your Facebook page every hour for updates or receive phone calls or emails. For us, a Romantic Getaway is a place to go to where seclusion is key ...

April 4, 2021 Posts 1-25 of 100 | Page next

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